
Gyroscopic Stabilization

  Blog Published by Students of VIT, Pune Dnyaneshwari Patil - C54 Kinjalk Patil - C55 Samiksha Patil - C62 Vaibhav Patil - C66 Vivek Pawar - C71      A gyroscope is a device used for measuring or maintaining orientation and angular velocity. It is a spinning wheel or disc in which the axis of rotation is free to assume any orientation by itself.    Schematic of Gyroscope Gyroscopic Stabilization:             The resistance of a rotating body to a change in its plane of rotation. Gyroscopic stability accounts for the stability of a spinning discus. A spinning body always tends to maintain the orientation of its spin axis in space, for example, a bullet fired from a rifle. The external torque in suitable direction is required to change the orientation of spin axis. Thus the basic property of the gyroscope is ,it opposes the precession of the axis of spin by applying the reactive gyroscopic...